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 Creating the Right Fabrics.

About Us

Bestway United


Our Values

We focus on creating the right fabrics. It's important to generate values for customers. Our strategies and principles are based on this corporate value. We are committed to sustain long-term customer relationships. All our employees aim for optimal customer satisfaction.

Our History

Build elastic band plant.

Start new process to manufacture knitted elastic bands   and woven elastic bands.

Install new equipment to manufacture knitted elastic bands and woven elastic bands.

Integrate screen printing and imprinting process to increase features.

Initiation of ERP implementation.

©Copyright Bestway United Narrow Fabrics / Add: No.31, Ln. 197, Tongan Rd., Tianzhong Township, Changhua County 52049, Taiwan

E-mail: sales@bnsfabrics.com  /  Tel : +886 4-8757-286  /  Fax : +886 4-8752-142   /  Line: @ofg2815g   /   WeChat: stephenliu5288